Don't Tread on Liberty

What Hospitals Really Are (HINT-STAY OUT OF THE HOSPITAL)

Jason Davis Season 3 Episode 24

How many of these tragedies do we have to report on before something is done?

Scott Schara recently lost his 19-year-old daughter, Grace (who had Down syndrome) to the genocide occurring in hospitals. Grace was given 3 contraindicated meds and a doctor wrote his own illegal DNR on her. Scott is attempting to warn others about the very real dangers of hospitals and protocols that are killing innocent people all over the country.

Having freedom should also mean having the right to choose what services you want while in the hospital. We've given doctors (and government) the ability to make all our health choices for us, thereby creating a dictatorial aspect of healthcare, oftentimes with devastating consequences.

Join us for this unbelievable message from real life. We'll say it again: STAY OUT OF THE HOSPITALS!

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fighting back against the left's non stop attacks on liberty, freedom. And America, America. This is don't tread on liberty. Jason Davis is on the air.

Jason Davis:

Hey, welcome back to don't try to have liberty. Thanks for being here. I'm Jason Davis. And we have another show today for you on the scam that is COVID-19. And more specifically, the hospitals we've been telling you for about a couple of years to stay out of the hospitals. And my guest today unfortunately experienced this firsthand. He lost his daughter last fall in the hospital, it was COVID was involved, but it wasn't the normal way that we've been seeing this kind of happened to people. But I'll bring on the guests and we'll talk to him directly. Scott Shara is here from Freedom Wisconsin, Scott, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for coming on. How have you been?

Scott Schara:

Well, thanks for having me. And I appreciate you. Your condolences am I've been doing okay, yesterday was exceptionally tough with being Father's Day Grace was my best buddy. And, you know, in every in every yesterday that was that was tough. I bawled my eyes out twice. And I missed. I never missed somebody like to say, you know, that's that's part of the reason that, that I am sharing the story because you don't want any other dad or mom to, to have somebody that's so close to them lost. And I can't

Jason Davis:

even imagine. Yeah, I can't even imagine what you're going through. And I am terribly sorry. And it's, as I mentioned here at the top. We've seen this over and over again, many people are experiencing. But it's a little bit different pattern with your case. I mean, normally, people go in, and then they tell them they have COVID. And then they put them on this cocktail of sedatives and anti anxiety medication and then remdesivir, which causes multiple organ failure. And when people try to get their loved ones out, they won't let them get out. It's like unlawful imprisonment or something. I thought this was the United States, but I guess not. And but with you, it was a little bit different. And I thought I'd seen it all. But your story is amazing. Go ahead and walk us through what happened just leading up and everything.

Scott Schara:

So Grace, went into the hospital with COVID. So just a background on Grace. She was 19 years old, she was very high functioning Down syndrome. And my wife did a great job we homeschooled her. So that's why she was high functioning. And my wife taught her how to read and write, I taught her how to drive a car. You know, so Grace wasn't in grace was a sharp get, I mean, gee, you know, people think of Down syndrome people a certain way. And, you know, the way that I want you to think of Down syndrome, children and adults is, is they just love everybody. And in Grace's case, not only did she love everybody, but she was was extremely smart. Anyway. So we took her to the hospital, and October 6 with low oxygen saturation. We had been on the frontline doctors protocol. And so I really didn't expect COVID would hit us like that where we had ended up with low oxygen. I ended up in a different hospital than Grace three days after she died with symptoms worse than hers, but analogous to her. So that got me into researching. What's the reason that her and I ended up in the hospital, and Dr. Chetty from South Africa, connecting the dots in his study of 8000 patients with the Delta variant. He saw that if you had a genetic disposition to clot and produce inflammation, you would likely end up with low oxygen. And so Grayson, I had those genetic dispositions. No, I knew I had them before. COVID Grace probably inherited those for me. So it's logical that both her and I that happened to ultimately, as you said at the beginning, you've been advising people in Knakal in the hospital, and of course, now I'm doing the same thing. I wish I would have known your recommendation and the way before beforehand, because I know with 100% certainty, if Grace would not have been admitted to that hospital and we took her home with a prescription for an oxygen and a steroid, or she went into the hospital that I went into, because they weren't following the protocols. Grace will be alive today. So what happened is grace did not die of COVID and she was never on remdesivir. She was never on a ventilator. She did get out of sedation drug which is one of the ones you meant that mentioned and an anti anxiety men in those combinations along with morphine, which are called end of life drugs or what, what killed her. And I want to connect the dots for your listeners on one thing. So your your, you said that it seems like once you're in there and you're on, and there's protocol you can't get out. And there is a piece of that, which is true, because technically, once a patient is sedated, you can't just sign them out. It's called against medical advice. So they do have a form of handcuffs on the patient once once they're sedated. So you don't ever want to do that if you end up in the hospital for some reason. And the graces case is really emphasizing the the standard of care that is going to be the next generation. And so I already mentioned in a live end of life meds when you hear the story, when I drill it down, you're going to hear that they put an illegal DNR order on here, which is a do not resuscitate. And but I just want to jump to the conclusion, which is that standard of care. So end of life meds, DNR orders are already state sanctioned in the UK. And when this first line first started researching and saw this with Grace's case, I had a suspicion that this was the first one they've been caught. So one of the things that is also unique to Grace's cases, we were there. They took her out while we were there. So I mean, it makes it it's it's it's that bad. Yes. I just want people to be aware. I mean, they're they're capable of anything and this idea of putting a DNR order on somebody without their permission. I mean, that's, that's over the top.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, so that was the first time that I've, I've seen that happen in any of these cases we've had case after case after case people go in with COVID they get on the cocktail family tries to get them out or get them on ivermectin or something. They won't allow it and they won't let him take the patient out. There's been a couple instances where attorney Thomas Rennes has gotten involved and actually got a patient transferred to a different hospital under different doctor's care. But most of the time, unless you have a powerhouse lawyer like that, you're probably not going to get out. It would seem in your case. You know, just because of your daughter's condition, you probably had guardianship over her affairs, I would imagine, right? And so I would think that gives you the legal authority to take her out of the hospital.

Scott Schara:

Well, okay, so just from a technical perspective, Grace was 19. So she was an adult. So what happens in Wisconsin at least is the state gives you a choice. So when the when a person becomes an adult, and they're disabled, you have a choice of either doing doing guardianship, or supported decision making. And so we chose supported decision making. And because Grace was so high functioning, we built an apartment for her on our property that she could live in when she was ready. I had taught her how to drive a car. So I was expecting her to get her license this year. You know, we just saw it as less restrictive, less restrictive. But as part of supported decision making, we put in place the medical power of attorney, which my wife was the medical power of attorney, so she had authority over Grace's hospital care, and they did not respect that authority whatsoever.

Jason Davis:

And like you said, just a minute ago, I mean, pretty much anything is possible with these people. I mean, I, I've seen it all. I mean, I can't even believe that this is happening. So she goes in with COVID, low oxygen. And you said they put her on anti anxiety and sedative. So then what happens from there?

Scott Schara:

Well, the seventh deal was was put on starting on October 9, so the days I'll just lay out the days here real quick. So October 6, we take her into emergency room. October 7 is the first full day in the hospital, October 8, they push us to do a ventilator. They did that four more times after that first push, we rejected it every time. They wanted us to do a pre approval so they could put the ventilator in just in case. You know, it was you know, we just we never bought into that. October 9, I was taken out by an armed guard. We didn't have advocacy for 44 hours. My daughter Jessica became the replacement advocate because my wife had COVID And so we she was only there a few hours on the 11th because the attorneys did it negotiate the situation properly. Our attorney in the hospital attorney, ultimately she gets in then they let her back in at 11 o'clock and the 12 Grace's last day was October 13. So we pick it up at on the 12th. So remember on the ninth I already said she was put on a sedation drug that drug is called press it acts. that drug is, according to the package insert is only supposed to be used for 24 hours. They use it on grace for four full days before her last day. So we saw Grace's sleeping, we never knew what was you know, just as a hospital setting, you never get any sleep because the alarms are going off. We never connected the dots that she was sedated because they didn't tell us. So, you know, ultimately, she's still doing fine. When Jessica was Jessica the night before she died. She had Grace call her two boys Grace's nephews on FaceTime Grace set up in the bed through a BiPAP mask and Allard. Hi, boys, you know, she's she's still doing fine in spite of being sedated. And her oxygen level was at 98 99% the entire night. So now we turn the page into the next day. And this gets real tough. So these details all matter. I'm gonna go through them all. So your listeners can really get a grip as to what they do, please. So the doctor called Cindy and I had eight o'clock in the morning. And he had called us the evening before. For the this was the fifth request for ventilator. And so he went through a lot of detail with a ventilator, you know, this, this happens that happens and couldn't eat a trachea and all it's like, oh, my gosh, this is too much. And you know, we knew we weren't going to do that. But he said, I'll call you in the morning. Think about it. So then I know your decision in the morning. So he called us at eight o'clock. We said no, again. I think when we said no again, it sealed Grace's fate for that day. Because the next thing he said was Grace had such a good day yesterday, we should work on nutrition. And Grace was malnourished at this point. And she's malnourished because they would not feed her they wouldn't let Jess and I feed her they wouldn't feed her. And instead they sedated her when we didn't have advocacy. They increased the dose of this sedation meds seven different times. And so now she's, you know, she's sedated but still doing well. And so well that he makes that comment that in. And so then he convinces us, instead of using the PICC line that Grace had, and using TPN food, he said we should do a feeding tube. And this fits into the narrative very strongly as I go through it. So now, Jessica, so now we get off the phone with him. There's a 14 year ICU experience nurse who's in charge of Grace's care. And she had 14 years of ICU experience on top of her regular nursing experience. I mean, this is not a dummy in charge of Grace's care. Jessica said to her that she's going to take a shower. And she tells JESSICA Well, you can't take a shower in the room. You need to go home and take a shower. And Jessica says, Well, what do you mean, you guys let my dad take a shower here. In fact, he told me he had to take a shower here, which they did. They told me I could never leave the room. And so she said, Well, I don't care what we told you, Dad, you need to go home and data showers. So Jessica does. She's a little bit afraid to challenge it further because I was just kicked out three days earlier for challenging. Okay, so if she goes home and takes a shower, she comes back and over here is the doctor who ordered the illegal meds on Grace and this 14 year ICU nurse and another doctor say the family's not gonna like this. So she said what are they gonna like? Well, they strap Grace down to the bed and made her poop in the bad wild while Jessica was gone just in that less than an hour. This is insane. You know, grace is doing well enough, you know? Just says Hey Grace, is it okay? If I go home and take a shower and grace is on her tummy then because that's called prone that's a good position to be in and in jet and grace it out. You know that that's fine. She shakes her head because she can't hug Jessica you know, because she's on her tummy and ultimately, they use that as an excuse to increase the press of X doors. Well now at 1048 in the morning. They've got this dose ratchet up to almost max dose and my little girl at 1125. They gave her a dose of Lorazepam. This is the anti anxiety med you talked about. So now she's she's already zonked out, not quite passed out, but they give her a dose of Lorazepam at 1137 they insert this feeding tube. So now grace is genuinely agitated, but they don't the process with a feeding tube, which she never needed. This Start with but their passes is once they insert that they're supposed to take an x ray to make sure that it's, it's placed in the right place. Well, they waited two hours and 20 minutes to take an x ray. At this point grace is out. They press X is used for as a drug to knock people out for surgery, grace is completely knocked out. She never recovers from that. In spite of being knocked out at 546, they gave her another dose of Lorazepam and 549, three minutes later and other dogs. So now she's got near Max dose precedents by 46 549 to more doses of Lorazepam. 615, a two milligram dose of morphine as an IV push. These are the end delay meds I was talking about. If you read Grace's death, certificate depressant X alone was enough to take her out, because it says it causes respiratory distress if used more than 24 hours, Grace's death certificate the first cause of death is acute respiratory failure with hypoxemia, which hypoxemia is low oxygen also produced by presidents. The second cause of death is COVID-19 pneumonia, which of course is listed, because that's how they get their bonus money. So now, that's not enough. So in order for that combination of meds to happen, the doctor had to order them a pharmacist had to sign off the alarm that would have went off because the packages or morphine system that combined those meds because it can cause death. So the alarm went off, somebody had to override that alarm. And then the 14 year ICU nurse had to make a conscious choice to deliver those meds. I mean, this, there's so much here when we add the DNR which is the third thing that killed her so the precedents and the life meds now the DNR will go through next. I mean, it's it's too much. And I have now concluded, took me a long time, I have over 600 hours of research in this. And it just a couldn't get to the point where I wouldn't call it that I believed it's premeditated.

Jason Davis:

No, it's absolutely intentional. And they're doing this all over the country in every hospital in the whole land.

Scott Schara:

The hospital I went to actually saved my life. But you know, the lion's share of them are bought by the government there. Yeah, really terms of the government.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, they are. And it's absolutely intentional. They know exactly what they're doing. And it's the same with the vaccine, but I don't want to get into that. So this is the this is where it gets a little bit different with Grace's scenario because I haven't seen them use the DNR trick yet. This just I insulated over the test just floored me beyond belief. Go ahead and tell us what happens next.

Scott Schara:

So 615 They gave her the morphine and so some some time after that. So we're guessing 645 Jessica doesn't have this time stamped in her head, like a lot of these other things, but she sends us grace getting called, might have been as late as seven. She She goes to ask the 14 year ICU nurse to take a temp and she won't do it. She says instead that's normal cover her with a blanket. So at this point, remember Morphine 615 package insert says to monitor the patient and keep the reversal drug bedside. Neither those happened. No nurse or doctor stepped foot in the room from 615 until Grace was pronounced dead it's on 27th Jessica called Cindy and I got a FaceTime call at 720 panicking she said they had Grace's numbers are dropping like crazy. I say get the nurses in and she said they won't come in. I've been trying. She estimated 30 nurses in the hall at this point. And so Cindy and I start screaming through the phone, save our daughter and they holler back. She's DNR. We holler back. She's not DNR, save our daughter. They would not do it. Remember, they're supposed to have the reversal drug bedside, they wouldn't have come in. Jessica ran out in the hall. One of the nurses had the DNR order up on her computer screen and read it off to Jessica and said the doctor put a DNR order on ungreased and we can't do anything about it. So we watched her die on FaceTime at 727. As we have drilled this down through town rounds down Rennes is our attorney. He hired a medical malpractice nurse. She reviewed the records that's got you're missing at least 1000 pages. I said, What are you talking about? She said, that's how they do it. You'll never get everything. So I say can you help write up a request to get the missing information. So she did we got another 948 pages on page 853 of the 940 pages we find that that 1056 in them Warning, the doctor put the DNR order on graefes 1048. You remember this these timelines I'm giving you 1048 They near maxed out the precedents 1056. Eight minutes later, they put the DNR order on her. So one of the attorneys who's reviewed this said, Well, you if you look at the sequence, then they give her the Lorazepam then the feeding tube, and then wait two hours to over two hours to do the X ray. I mean, they thought they were going to take her out. And they had to have this DNR order in place to be able to do it, the DNR order. I mean, if you just think about a DNR order, logically, the state statute that I'm going to just bust through is in Wisconsin, because that's where we're from. But all state statutes are going to be very similar to this. It's common sense. So in order for a DNR to be valid, either the patient or the healthcare agent, which is my wife has to request it, then the physician supposed to provide written documentation about how this all works, then you're supposed to consent to it, then sign it, you know, think about the importance of this document. You got to sign it, and then they're supposed to be the order put in the computer. That's the only thing the man did right is put the order in the computer, but there is no order he made it up, then they're supposed to provide a wrist bracelet, which never happened, which I presume why that didn't happen is because if they put that on, Jessica would have said what the heck is this that we would have known? There's some shenanigans going on here. And then most importantly, the desire of the patient or the advocate to resuscitate the patient. Why did the DNR so even if Grace would have put a DNR on herself would we hollered she's not DNR, save her daughter that ends the DNR at that moment, they did not do anything. What makes matters worse, as we found out after you later on that evening, after everything was was done, Jessica told us there was an armed guard posted outside the room. And we presume to prevent any nurse from with a conscience from coming in. And we know he was part of the overall scheme because after Grace died, and Jessica just crawled in bed with grace and held her till Cindy got there in the armed guard, watch Jessica outside the window the entire time. And fortunately, one nurse clued us in on this so that as our pastor was walking my wife out in the wheelchair, one nurse had Grace's belongings on a cart and she was walking next to Cindy and leaned down and said, Me and several nurses don't think ratio that died today. So at that moment, we knew we got to we got to dig into this and see what's going on. And boy have we ever dug into it well, over abundance of evidence.

Jason Davis:

Yeah. And I'm really, really thankful to hear that Thomas Rennes is representing you. He's probably the foremost attorney in the whole country fighting this on multiple fronts. And I these people need to be held accountable for what they did to grace and your family. So I hope you have a huge, huge lawsuit and huge, huge victory in court, which I'm sure you will, this seems like a no brainer. You did make a complaint though, right with the State Health Office. What happened with that? Yeah, so

Scott Schara:

we made we made several complaints. So but the two with the state, we made a complaint to the State Department that regulates doctors. So this against the specific doctor who did this in the State Department that regulates hospitals, we sent them in, if you look at Grace's website, our amazing under the tragedy tab, you can see there's roughly 70% of the research is posted there. It's an overabundance, we sent them everything, not just what's on the website, but everything else that people don't see.

Jason Davis:

And they found no wrongdoing. Hmm,

Scott Schara:

it came back after all that and as both letters posted under the tragedy tab, and they came back and cleared the the doctor in the hospital, which that that really was a defining moment in my research. Because when that letter came in the mail I opened it up thinking you know, we're gonna finally get some justice here and and they said they did no wrong thing. What is going on? And so I was driving that day and I realized, oh my gosh, this is they're all in on this. They're all the hospitals have been bought in. So when you ask the government to investigate the government, what is going to happen? So that got me really into the into the nitty gritty, the research and then okay, what is really going on here, and I had thought before that this was about money. This is not about money. It's way bigger,

Jason Davis:

way bigger. There's a lot of things things involved here, the vaccine, the COVID, there's a whole bunch of other stuff going on in the world, it's all connected. There's one agenda behind everything you see happening. But this this problem is huge, because when doctors try to speak out, they try to strip their license from them and take their livelihood. Peter Makala, who is the most published doctor? In the world? I think they tried to take his license. So, you know, this is really bad. I mean, the CDC is is, you know, they get 40% of their budget or something from big pharma. I mean, these guys are they're supposed to be regulating these people, and they're paid by them. I mean, it's it's a complete joke. I'm, I can't even believe what they did to your daughter. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. The website is my amazing And our our amazing grace, oh, I'm sorry, our amazing And, Scott, if people want to help you, how can they help you?

Scott Schara:

We have a financially if they want to do that we have a How can you help tab on the website, and there's a Gibson go our home addresses there too, if people prefer mailing a check, the organization is now set up as a 501 C three, it's our amazing graces light shines on ink. If you want to help. In other ways, there's two very specific ways that are even more important than the financial one is, is share the story. You know, the national media is not picking up on this, I've been on 150 podcasts so far. And I'm going to be in another 750 to get this to everybody. And so share the story, you know that that helps a ton. I mean, you're going to potentially save somebody's life. So take your contact list. And, you know, texted to everybody wants, the link comes out, we have tons of other links. And so epic times just had a story and grace that came up this morning, you can find that and that I mean, just just share the story that helps tremendously, because that's one of our goals is to, you know, when this happens, you want to help other people. So they're not, they don't go through the same thing. And then spiritually, that and that's the other reason we're doing this is that we hope it breaks people's hearts and, and they reconcile with God, do we see this as urgent? And so as it applies to us, you know, God has is I'm out there, you know, and he's, he's choosing to protect us, and I'm thankful for that. And I, you know, we can use, we can use prayers for our family, especially, you know, we're, we're not just physically but I mean, the spiritual attacks with, with our family, or it's happening all the time. And, you know, we just, we just want to, we don't want to lose focus. And, you know, God has opened up so many doors you just mentioned Dr. Peter McCullough, well, you can't make up this stuff that you're like me and Tom browns. Well, last last weekend, that Father's Day weekend, the weekend before, I was speaking at an event in Nashville, and Dr. Peter McCullough was the keynote speakers, you know, so it's humbling just even be on the same space, the same stage. But you know, as God would have it, we rode to the airport together. Because our flight flights are leaving at the same time. He's going south and going north. And so we got to talk for 45 minutes and I got to I got to meet the, you know, between him and Tom browns, they're tied for first place is the guy, the guys on the frontline. I'm just part of the support staff. You know, that was that was so encouraging to me to listen to the war that he's fighting. You know, I'm in the fight. But I mean, he has really, and so it was was very motivational to me.

Jason Davis:

Yeah, those two, those two gentlemen are some of the smartest guys you'll ever meet. And there's many others. I mean, Dr. Brian artists, and there's a whole host of other people that are are really on top of this and been out in front for a long, long time. Dr. Pam Popper, so you know, they're out there, but yes, I can totally imagine and I've talked to those guys on this program. So it is, it is a big honor. So, Scott, it's our amazing They have good gifts and go get the word out, share the story. And please pray. We all need to pray for each other. Scott. Again, my deepest condolences. I hope you get some justice from this. Keep us posted. God bless you.

Scott Schara:

Thank you Jason. Right.


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